Entering essential details

  • May 20, 2024

Your essential details are your profile foundation. Emphasizes the importance of providing complete information.


To add your essential details to Tourmie:

Go to SettingsBranding 

  • Add your company description:

From the Company description tab, enter your short description

Note: Your company description will be visible to your potential or existing partners. The maximum length of it is 350 characters. Don’t use words like best, only, #1, etc.



  • Upload your logo to Tourmie:

From the Logo tab, click on the Choose image option, through the dotted frame.



Note: Your logo should have a transparent background with no space around it and should be in .png format. Horizontal logos are more recommended. View our logo guide.

Then, click the Update logo button.


  • Add your social profiles to Tourmie:

From the Social profiles tab, click on the social media button you want to add.

Then, provide the URLs of your social media profiles (e.g. https://www.facebook.com/tourmieapp).



Then, click the Update button.


If you require any further information, feel free to contact us at support@tourmie.com.